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Who Can Change the Heart?

~The Great Physician Heals the Sick~

I exceedingly loved the message one sister shared during todays vespers (evening prayers) : A Changed Heart. For once it did occur to me that God can perform the most perfect heart transplant that no surgeon can ever attempt. Before the message we sang the song 'LORD I want to be a Christian in my heart". In Acts 3:19 Peter advises, "repent ye therefore and be converted". Why does God recommend a change of heart?

I've come to learn that our spiritual IQ, unlike the classroom one, resides in the heart. And God is interested in intelligent Christians. God gives those who pleases Him wisdom and knowledge (Eccl. 2:26).

In the book ' When All You've Ever Wanted Isn't Enough', Kushner tells of a Jewish tradition of the "holy fool." The are simple, uneducated persons who serve God spontaneously and enthusiastically without stopping to think about what they are doing. Such service to God is especially beloved for the reason that "no intellectual barriers come between him and God."

But, friend, God doesn't want "holy fools," nor does He want intellectual barriers. What He needs is a people who know and love Him and who exercise their minds to reach their fullest potential for His glory. He needs men and women who by reason of use of the WORD have their senses exercised to discriminate between good and evil (Heb. 5:14).

We ought not be "holy fools". Paul in Romans 10:2, 3 bears record that the Jews had a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. And this is not just busywork in the classroom we call life. No. They were ignorant of God's righteousness.

Now, what part do we have to play in the changing of our heart or developing our spiritual IQ? This species of wisdom begins only when we acknowledge our Maker, believe in Him and trust Him. "Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom;and to depart from evil is understanding." (Job 28:28).

Secondly, we grow by searching (John 5:39), studying (2 Tim. 2:15) and continuing in those things stipulated by the word of God. The catch here is that God needs workers who are thoroughly furnished into all good works.

Connection lost! When your phone flashes "connection lost", do you throw it against the wall? I guess not. You probably would "retry". Moreover, when you misplace your SIM card, do you buy a new line? No. Most likely you would contact the network provider and ask them to renew your line. Likewise, when you temporarily get disconnected with God, our "network provider," you don't need a brand new heart. He is able to make old things new (2 Cor. 5:17). He alone is able to renew the diseased heart and mind.

"Thank you, Father, that you are able to change my heart when I feel discouraged. Teach me to praise you, my Saviour and my God, as I wait for you to work in my life."


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