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21-12-2012 End of the World?

21st December 2012 is certainly not the end of the world. There was a lot of hype about this theory. I've just watched the primiere of the film Evacuate Earth on National Geographic. There is a death sentence for planet Earth. In view of an impending impact of the Earth with a Neutron Star in 75 years time, scientists are sure our planet's days are numbered. But, they believe this does not mean the end of mankind. These experts explore how mankind could leave the earth to escape this doom and continue their progeny elsewhere. In their vision, a mammoth Space Ark is to be built to transport 1/4 million people to Earth 2.0. There is no end to this science fiction!

Questions we always ask: Is God in control of the future? If so, can we have hope on the premise of his great plan? The answer is a resounding Yes! The creator is still in charge.

There are a few points where the scientists' vision and God's word seen to agree, at least basing the comparison on 2 Peter 3: (1) the world is soon ending; (2) the earth will be destroyed by fire, in fact it will melt away; (3) some people will survive (4) survivors will find another home. But that is just where science fiction departs from reality.

In Christian circles, the end is synonymous with Christ's return. This is the grand climax of this world. It will happen according to God's timetable; not what some billboard says and definately not NASA or a Mayan calendar. God does everything in His time. Since His timing is best we must go by it. Biblical facts tell us that the end is near (verse 33) going by the signs Jesus outlined in Matthew 24. This should be ok with us. All we got to do is to watch and be ready for no man knows the hour.

In God's timeline, each and every event usually falls in its right place and time. In Daniel 2, a great prophecy is records the earthq history. In his dream, Nebuchadnezzar, sees a stone curved without hands struck the metal statue on its feet. All the kingdoms represented were broken into pieces and were completely consumed by the stone. This stone represents the coming kingdom of God. It would last forever.

One thing is sure. History is rushing towards this climax: a one-on-one encounter with Jesus. I believe that time is ripe for us to prep for this end and to meet Jesus. It is not time to prepare a space craft to transport us to another earth-like planet. It is not time to build a 14-story underground bunker somewhere in North America to hide in. It is not even time to whine, complain or argue the logic behind a loving God bringing an end to his masterpiece. It is time to be "diligent that we may be found of Him in peace, without spot and blameless." It is time to testify that " the undying patience of our Lord means salvation... for He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." We must read God's love in this. And not be the objects of Peters words in 2 Peter 3:4. It is one thing to be ignorant but it is another to be willingly ignorant.

One challenge the Space Ark experts face is: who will get in? This will be definitely salvation for sale. No money, no life. Does God care about you? YES! Those who attempt to buy God's gift with money will be doomed, "thy money perish with thee, because thou thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money." (Acts 8:20) Hope in a faithful God is reassuring. We only need to take Him at his word. He says "Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."
(Matthew 10:29-31)

Does God have any a new home for those who'll survive? YES! There's a rendezvous in space. Just before Christ ascended into heaven, he said his mission was to go ahead to prepare a home and a room for all of us (John 14:2,3) after which he will come back to take us with him. According to his promise, I look forward to living in a new earth.

At this point, I repeat another's prayer: "Dear Father in heaven, thank You for Your interest in my personal life. Thank You for telling me in advance the answers to my questions concerning the future of the world. Help me each day to let You control my life. Guide me. Keep me in Your care. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen."


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